Fair Trade Opportunities

Alaska’s Communities

Remote Alaska Communities

Traditionally, Fair Trade programs focused on Third World countries. Those countries are some of the most economically disadvantaged in the world. But in many ways, some of Western Alaska’s remote villages are not unlike those remote, impoverished Third World communities. Relying on a subsistence lifestyle, these Alaska villages are isolated geographically and socially from the rest of the world.

Bristol Bay

For many years, the Fair Trade program has changed the plight of its certified producers by providing a mechanism for sustainable economic and social opportunities. Now, communities like Bristol Bay can benefit from the same proven program that’s recognized as a global leader in advancing fair-trade practices and principles.

Where Next?

Where could Wildfish go next? We’re exploring the possibilities. The Fair Trade program shows great promise for Bristol Bay. It’s an opportunity to connect the local fishermen with a consumer market that is demanding responsibly sourced and produced food.

As longtime innovators in sustainable fishing practices, we’re looking forward to shepherding the Fair Trade movement in Southwest Alaska. We see this as an opportune moment to provide the fishermen and the workers with the economic and social equalities they’ve traditionally lacked.