Fair Trade & Your Private Label

Custom Fair Trade Programs

Private Label

A private label could be an attractive proposition because distributors value the ability to receive a commitment from grocery chains. To us, branding is an art. We leverage the story of the producer and the individual community to showcase the reasons why consumers should support the brand.

Talented marketing agencies abound but you’ll be hard-pressed to find many with such an intimate understanding of the seafood industry. After all, we started our careers as commercial fishermen. We know what it’s like to spend long days on a boat — and we know why we need to protect our resources. We draw from our own experiences to tell your story and to educate consumers.

Brand & Package Design

Wildfish Marketing doesn’t just create private labels. Our extensive pedigree helps us apply each customer’s unique situation, whether it’s an in-house or private label. Think of us as a one-stop shop for your seafood branding needs.


Healthy, Natural Fish For Life.